Git Cheat Sheet
by Admin
- Commit: an object
- Branch: a reference to a commit; can have a tracked upstream
- Tag: a reference (standard) or an object (annotated)
- Head: a place where your working directory is now
Git configuration
$ git config –global “Your Name”
Set the name that will be attached to your commits and tags.
$ git config –global “”
Set the e-mail address that will be attached to your commits and tags.
$ git config –global color.ui auto
Enable some colorization of Git output.
Starting a Project
$ git init [project name]
Create a new local repository. If [project name] is provided, Git will create a new directory name [project name] and will initialize a repository inside it. If [project name] is not provided, then a new repository is initialized in the current directory.
$ git clone [project url]
Downloads a project with the entire history from the remote repository.
Commands you use everyday
$ git status
Displays the status of your working directory. Options include new, staged, and modified files. It will retrieve branch name, current commit identifier, and changes pending commit.
$ git add [file]
Add a file to the staging area. Use in place of the full file path to add all changed files from the current directory down into the directory tree.
$ git diff [file]
Show changes between working directory and staging area.
$ git diff –staged [file]
Shows any changes between the staging area and the repository.
$ git checkout – [file]
Discard changes in working directory. This operation is unrecoverable.
$ git reset [file]
Revert your repository to a previous known working state.
$ git commit -m “commit message”
Create a new commit from changes added to the staging area. The commit must have a message!
$ git rm [file]
Remove file from working directory and staging area.
$ git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
Change and existing file path and stage the move.
$ git stash
Put current changes in your working directory into stash for later use.
$ git stash list
List stack-order of stashed file changes.
$ git stash pop
Apply stored stash content into working directory, and clear stash.
$ git stash drop
Delete a specific stash from all your previous stashes.
Git branching
$ git branch [-a]
List all local branches in repository. With -a: show all branches (with remote).
$ git branch [branch_name]
Create new branch, referencing the current HEAD.
$ git checkout [-b][branch_name]
Switch working directory to the specified branch. With -b: Git will create the specified branch if it does not exist.
$ git merge [from name]
Join specified [from name] branch into your current branch (the one you are on currently).
$ git branch -d [name]
Remove selected branch, if it is already merged into any other. -D instead of -d forces deletion.
Reviewing changes
$ git log [-n count]
List commit history of current branch. -n count limits list to last n commits.
$ git log –oneline –graph –decorate
An overview with reference labels and history graph. One commit per line.
& git log branchB..branchA
List commits on branchA that are not on branchB
$ git log ref..
List commits that are present on the current branch and not merged into ref. A ref can be a branch name or a tag name.
$ git log ..ref
List commit that are present on ref and not merged into current branch.
$ git reflog
List operations (e.g. checkouts or commits) made on local repository.
$ git log –follow [file]
List commits that changed file, even across renames
$ git show [SHA]
Show and object in Git in human-readable format
$ git tag
List all tags.
$ git tag [name] [commit sha]
Create a tag reference named name for current commit. Add commit sha to tag a specific commit instead of current one.
$ git tag -a [name] [commit sha]
Create a tag object named name for current commit.
$ git tag -d [name]
Remove a tag from local repository.
Undoing changes
$ git reset [–hard] [target reference]
Switches the current branch to the target reference, leavinga difference as an uncommitted change. When –hard is used, all changes are discarded.
$ git revert [commit sha]
Create a new commit, reverting changes from the specified commit. It generates an inversion of changes.
Rewrite history
$ git rebase [branch]
apply any commits of current branch ahead of specified one.
$ git reset –hard [commit]
clear staging area, rewrite working tree from specified commit.
Synching with remote repositories
$ git remote add [alias] [url]
add a git URL as an alias
$ git fetch [remote]
Fetch changes from the remote, but not update tracking branches.
$ git fetch –prune [remote]
Delete remote Refs that were removed from the remote repository.
$ git pull [remote]
Fetch changes from the remote and merge current branch with its upstream.
$ git push [–tags] [remote]
Push local changes to the remote. Use –tags to push tags.
$ git push -u [remote] [branch]
Push local branch to remote repository. Set its copy as an upstream.
tags: reference - gitcategories: reference - git